Tuesday, May 17, 2011

HGTV'ed Out

So it's been just over a month since I've been unemployed... a condition of choice rather than necessity! A huge step in my letting go process... making the leap of faith that my now husband would support me. It was truly one of the things that gave me the most anxiety about my move and lifestyle change. I have never trusted someone enough to give myself completely over and be exposed

I have also not been unemployed since I was a teenager. I started working for my dad when I was 15 then moved on to Publix... held a job during college... then right to work after graduation. I've never left a job without going right into another one. So the whole job hunt process while unemployed is a completely different experience. The one job I had applied for at a company where my husband has friends finally let me know they were going with another candidate after 6 weeks of waiting. I was supposed to have a second interview at a department store for a sales supervisor position but after talking with my husband we decided working nights and weekends is just not acceptable. We have been a part for a year and are not willing to give up that time together. I do have 2 interviews this week... one in a retail store... I'm sticking to Monday-Friday, 7am-6pm availability and one at the mall management office... I believe a more 9-5 position.

My job hunting tips for those fellow unemployed:
  • Make a list of all the possible types of things you'd want to do, hours and days you'd be willing to work- by putting these things in writing you narrow down what you'd be willing to apply for
  • Think outside the Careerbuilder/Monster box- Craigslist has a ton of ads but I haven't had a great hit rate with them. Research what corporation headquarters are in your area they tend to have lots of different types of positions open... you can go to Wikipedia and search your city/town and click on the economy heading and it should bring up a list. Also, find out who the top employers are in your area... usually found on your city/towns website.
  • Try to to think of businesses that do business with the field your background is in you might have an advantage knowing the business from a different point of view... My background is retail so while I've been looking at stores in the mall I've also looked at the mall management office itself.
  • If you are the Alumni of a college see if your college has a career center that offers assistance for alumni jobseekers, has job boards or a networking website
  • Don't discount ads for part-time positions many time in the details of the ad it wil say the position has possibilty of turning into a full time position
  • Ask around! Friends, family, people you interact with every day! I've asked people at the gym, the tanning salon, grocery store... you've got nothing to lose!
So while I am still playing the housewife role... I am still actively searching for a few hours every day. But I've had about all the HGTV I can handle so I'm taking all this free time I have to focus on things I've never had time to do before... Learn Spanish... fluently is the goal, sell some stuff that's been laying around on Ebay or take to a consignment store to make a little extra cash, and start a blog! You've got to find something you enjoy to help fill the time or you can find youself in couch potato mode... and that's not helpful to ones self esteem!!

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